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Showing posts from March, 2020

Out-of-body experiences (OBE): coincidences with Carlos Castaneda's story

Learning to move... This is the fourth post of the series "About my out-of-body experiences (OBEs)". All previous posts, here: 1 - About my Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) . 2 - Get out of the body . 3 - Lucid dreams . I had many out-of-body (OBE) experiences , all of which happen when I am about to fall asleep, sleeping or when I am about to wake up. Although I have been with this for years and years, I have not yet learned to move. I have had advances that I consider random in many cases. Brain by Elisa Riva in Pixabay The way one manages to move in an OBE is different from the waking state because awake one can easily move an arm without greater participation of the will and in this other state the form is with something similar to "pure will." If I am in the middle of an OBE, and I want to move, I don't have to try to move my feet thinking about activating the muscles but I just have to think about the movement of the feet or also focus only

Lucid dreams. About my out-of-body experiences (OBE)

I sometimes have lucid dreams. Basically, a lucid dream consists in realizing oneself of being dreaming within the same dream and thanks to that "consciousness" being able to interact at will with the environment, either with people or objects. This post about lucid dreams is because the sensations that I perceive within an out-of-body experience (OBE) are very similar to the sensations that I have within a lucid dream. Having a lucid dream is a pleasant experience because one can truly do what one wishes. Not always within this type of dreams things go as you want, so I have to assume that it is a matter of practice to achieve one's will in a lucid dream. This is the third chapter with the topic "About my out-of-body experiences (OBEs)", chapter 1 . Here you have  chapter 2 ( Get out of the body. About my Out-of-Body-Experiences ). Lucid dreams by  photosteve101 . In one of the lucid dreams I remember I had, I dreamed that I was waiting a

Get out of the body. About my Out-of-Body-Experiences (OBE)

Leave the body... This is the second post on the subject. Here is the first text:  About my Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE) , . An eye in a hole , And I left the body. I remember this perception of getting out of the body as something messy - the experience itself was very messy - I was all turned around or made a bun or looking down or up, moving sideways or backwards, or upwards or below. Very but very uncomfortable and messy; My body exits were very chaotic. Sometimes being upside down (which was the position in which I had fallen asleep) "flew" throughout the house. If there was a wall next to my bed that I could touch, I, face down and in the exact position with which I left the bed, crossed the wall and went to the next room (which was sometimes a house that it was not mine). Sometimes I went quickly to meet a wall and didn't want to hurt me, hitting me against it, so

About my Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE)

Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE) seems to me the term less religious (or mystical) and more neutral than I find. The OBE in my case consists in experiencing a subjective sensation of leaving the body . It is not mere belief or self-deception, I EXPERIENCE a feeling of leaving the body. I perceive that I leave my body and, truly, I don't know if I go out effectively or if something else happens. I give it the name of Out-of-Body Experience so that in this text you can identify what I mean by approximate precision. Astral Body from Carrington and Muldoon. Wikipedia The first experiences were some far removed from the others (about seven months apart from each other) and at the beginning I had taken them as simple "weird" dreams, without having any way of seeing that some experiences were related to others. Nor could I investigate what the subject was about because I forgot that I had these experiences. I remember well that, before having the experience, I generally