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Out-of-body experiences (OBE): coincidences with Carlos Castaneda's story

Learning to move... This is the fourth post of the series "About my out-of-body experiences (OBEs)". All previous posts, here: 1 - About my Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) . 2 - Get out of the body . 3 - Lucid dreams . I had many out-of-body (OBE) experiences , all of which happen when I am about to fall asleep, sleeping or when I am about to wake up. Although I have been with this for years and years, I have not yet learned to move. I have had advances that I consider random in many cases. Brain by Elisa Riva in Pixabay The way one manages to move in an OBE is different from the waking state because awake one can easily move an arm without greater participation of the will and in this other state the form is with something similar to "pure will." If I am in the middle of an OBE, and I want to move, I don't have to try to move my feet thinking about activating the muscles but I just have to think about the movement of the feet or also focus only

Lucid dreams. About my out-of-body experiences (OBE)

I sometimes have lucid dreams. Basically, a lucid dream consists in realizing oneself of being dreaming within the same dream and thanks to that "consciousness" being able to interact at will with the environment, either with people or objects. This post about lucid dreams is because the sensations that I perceive within an out-of-body experience (OBE) are very similar to the sensations that I have within a lucid dream. Having a lucid dream is a pleasant experience because one can truly do what one wishes. Not always within this type of dreams things go as you want, so I have to assume that it is a matter of practice to achieve one's will in a lucid dream. This is the third chapter with the topic "About my out-of-body experiences (OBEs)", chapter 1 . Here you have  chapter 2 ( Get out of the body. About my Out-of-Body-Experiences ). Lucid dreams by  photosteve101 . In one of the lucid dreams I remember I had, I dreamed that I was waiting a

Get out of the body. About my Out-of-Body-Experiences (OBE)

Leave the body... This is the second post on the subject. Here is the first text:  About my Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE) , . An eye in a hole , And I left the body. I remember this perception of getting out of the body as something messy - the experience itself was very messy - I was all turned around or made a bun or looking down or up, moving sideways or backwards, or upwards or below. Very but very uncomfortable and messy; My body exits were very chaotic. Sometimes being upside down (which was the position in which I had fallen asleep) "flew" throughout the house. If there was a wall next to my bed that I could touch, I, face down and in the exact position with which I left the bed, crossed the wall and went to the next room (which was sometimes a house that it was not mine). Sometimes I went quickly to meet a wall and didn't want to hurt me, hitting me against it, so

About my Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE)

Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE) seems to me the term less religious (or mystical) and more neutral than I find. The OBE in my case consists in experiencing a subjective sensation of leaving the body . It is not mere belief or self-deception, I EXPERIENCE a feeling of leaving the body. I perceive that I leave my body and, truly, I don't know if I go out effectively or if something else happens. I give it the name of Out-of-Body Experience so that in this text you can identify what I mean by approximate precision. Astral Body from Carrington and Muldoon. Wikipedia The first experiences were some far removed from the others (about seven months apart from each other) and at the beginning I had taken them as simple "weird" dreams, without having any way of seeing that some experiences were related to others. Nor could I investigate what the subject was about because I forgot that I had these experiences. I remember well that, before having the experience, I generally

A dream with death

Once I dreamed that I died. These solar panels resemble my dream. By  3444753 . I was lying in a hospital and I was thinking, with that feeling on top that those who know they are at the end of their life should have, what is that of dying... I found it fantastic and terrifyingly curious. "What's that about dying?", "Will there be anything else?". I was thinking about the possibility of continuity, of a life after death, but at the same time I was wondering "what if everything, EVERYTHING, ended here?". I remember there were people moving and that there were voices in that dream, maybe doctors? I do not remember if I was on the floor or on a stretcher, I do remember that I was a stretcher, or lying on the floor, looking up. I was realizing that in a few seconds I was going to die. I really found it curious to perceive the end, that things from a point were not going to be equal to everything previously known in a life and that the

The blank wall is the depletion of the intellect

Reading to Krishnamurti (in Tradition and Revolution) I realize the futility of analyzing things psychologically. This conclusion in this regard is not because I have understood the whole movement of what it means to think, analyze, reflect, etc., but it arises from the few and almost null results that I have obtained from analyzing myself. Blind, I realize things by colliding with them and understand "blindness" precisely because of everything that moves around... White brick wall, . Even with the warning that the analysis would not be adequate to uncover ignorance, many times (if not all) the absence of results (understanding, or whatever) has led me to think that the intellect was again used to reach a point, obtaining a pitiful conclusion and invisibly already predetermined. There are processes, elements and psychic behaviors of mine that are very well seen and reflected, so sometimes it was extremely strange that, knowing their internal mechanism, I

The blank wall or on the exploration of the Ego (2)

I wonder if I am approaching this exploration with a conditioning. Is this whole approach conditioned, all this interest, all my initiative? If there were conditioning, how does it influence this exploration? Man pulling the Ego by  aungkarns . I see a great influence that, I speculate, is related to this supposed conditioning: my Ego frequently believes everything he says to himself and, even more so, when he is not aware of himself. My Ego is affected by the influence of believing what he says to himself. And this is key. I only question my own thoughts when I am aware that I have them and what is repeated frequently is that I do not question the thoughts that arise when I am not paying attention. And the thoughts that I have been having, to which I have adhered without questioning, are what they tell me that knowing myself will bring me change and satisfaction and that is why I want to know myself. It is so strange to discover that the intimate repetition of

The blank wall or the Ego exploration

«You can only discover what love is by knowing what it is not. Not knowing intellectually, but living, leaving aside what is not: jealousy, ambition and greed, all the division in life, me and you, us and them, black and white ... ». (Krishnamurti in Stuart Holroyd. Krishnamurti: The Man, the Mystery & the Message, 1991). Exploration by  singhaniket255 . A person wants to know himself, investigate, discover ("explore" is the most neutral expression I find) and, at first glance, that seems like something that is fine. I remember Socrates in his "Know yourself" and I tell myself that I am in tune. Closer in time, I go back to Krishnamurti with "if one does not know oneself, one cannot go beyond the illusions projected by my own mind "(1) and I tell myself that I am well. I see all my purpose, my vision, my objective in good direction and I say that the approach is absolutely correct. But no. Sorry. I must say that if someone wants t

Life has no meaning

Life, as a general phenomenon on Planet Earth, has no meaning. No matter how much you spin it, it doesn't have. Life has no meaning, one has to make sense. A pessimistic post. Endeavour silhouette STS-130. NASA , Public Domain. As far as we know, life began with a "primordial soup" in the seas and, little by little, in a time of millions and millions of years, it has evolved evolutionarily to humans and living beings today. And all this happened in solitude, because I must tell you that the most constant question of living beings - after being destined to die - is their loneliness in front of Nature . Without the human being, life simply ate and killed living beings, all being pure food and evolutionary competition. While one species disappeared simply by "natural selection", in another, due to an incomprehensible and inexplicable chance, a mutation appeared that served to survive and, directly or indirectly, eliminate competition. Without the huma