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Lucid dreams. About my out-of-body experiences (OBE)

I sometimes have lucid dreams. Basically, a lucid dream consists in realizing oneself of being dreaming within the same dream and thanks to that "consciousness" being able to interact at will with the environment, either with people or objects. This post about lucid dreams is because the sensations that I perceive within an out-of-body experience (OBE) are very similar to the sensations that I have within a lucid dream. Having a lucid dream is a pleasant experience because one can truly do what one wishes. Not always within this type of dreams things go as you want, so I have to assume that it is a matter of practice to achieve one's will in a lucid dream.

This is the third chapter with the topic "About my out-of-body experiences (OBEs)", chapter 1. Here you have chapter 2 (Get out of the body. About my Out-of-Body-Experiences).

Lucid dreams by photosteve101.

In one of the lucid dreams I remember I had, I dreamed that I was waiting at the bus stop for a bus that I used to take when I lived in SE. I realized that I dreamed because just when the bus was approaching the Stop I thought "what do I do by taking a bus in S if I have fallen asleep in T?". Immediately after thinking like that, I felt a freshness in the environment and went up to the collective. Inside the vehicle, I didn't take out the coins to pay out of my pocket - I just made a gesture like I was taking them out - and I simply "figured" that I already had the coins in my hand. I had a notion that I could create those coins out of the blue and wanted to test it. When my hand made contact with the driver's hand I didn't have the coins, however, the mister took what I had given him (it was nothing, I didn't feel anything in my hand) and when he gave me the ticket I turned and I heard the sound of coins falling into the bowl. I believe that there, in that dream, was the first time I could realize that realities could be invented in a lucid dream, something that is intimately linked to what happens within a out-of-body-experience.

Already inside the transport, I started looking at people, I had tried to register the faces well to remember them later awake but, then, from one moment to another, the whole environment began to melt until it became more or less dark. The only one who did not "melt" was me. The following is a curiosity in this lucid dream: I remember that melting was caused by something I said once inside the Bus. Days before I had talked with a family member about lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences and if one could find Something useful to the subject. This person told me, from his conception of Rosicrucian and Metaphysics, to take advantage of an occasion like that to request that I be taken to the libraries of non-know-what knowledge (now, really, I do not remember the exact prayer that this familiar he told me, but it was related to the Akashic Records.* Please see the asterisk). I said something like "take me to this or that place" and immediately everything began to melt leaving behind a whole black or dark hue. After getting all dark I woke up. Even in February 2020 I don't know what happened (the lucid dream will have been around 1998 and I am reviewing this text this month).

In another dream, which was later lucid, I was in the middle of a shooting in a neighborhood with dirt streets: when I realized that I dreamed, all the characters in the dream disappeared. On another occasion, also in a lucid dream, I tried to run and fly along the sidewalk of a park very similar to one I knew. All these lucid dreams have been united by something that arises from paying close attention: my will of the moment, within those dreams, was changing the environment as I was thinking / imagining. If I thought about having fun, associating this thought with a videogame, then I appeared in the lucid dream, out of nowhere and in a very messy way, Arcade-type video games, stacked on each other in all directions. In general, this fleeting, almost deliberate construction, within this type of dreams, made me lose focus and forget somehow I was dreaming, turning lucid dream into a common one. Some lucid dreams, according to my perception of the time within them and with exceptions, have been very short (a couple of minutes, even less time) resembling more lucid episodes within a dream, being fleeting episodes. Many times in a normal dream I have looked to the right and then to the left and seen that everything had changed instantly. In lucid dreams and in OBEs these sudden changes were presented by interference with the will of the moment, or something with similar influence.

Synesthesia and losing the thread

My hypothesis says that in our dreams (lucid or not) we are creating the environment according to the prevailing feeling, thought and imagination and that, somehow, the same thing happens in an out-of-body experience. This question is closely connected with the theme of synesthesia (another definition here, very good by the way), which I never heard at that time. I realized that I am synesthetic reading the result of an Enneagram test (according to that test I am personality 4):
The Cuatros naturally practice synesthesia, a chronic mixture of sensations that lead them to intense multilevel reactions. A Four entering a new situation could see something that triggers a mental image that, in turn, evokes a feeling that reminds him of a song; It activates more images that arouse more smells, flavors, feelings and so on. The moods and feelings of the Four can run together like a watercolor in the rain, producing a kaleidoscopic mix of impressions in reaction to even the most insignificant events. (in Spanish)
When I read this description a while ago I was stunned, I felt a chill in my body. I could understand a couple of things. I couldn't believe there was a name for what was happening to me! Besides, it was so, so common, so common that I didn't even have any attention to it. As Aristotle said: if you are born listening to a continuous musical note you will never find out that this musical note exists unless it stops playing.

Synesthesia is like an uncontrolled, disordered mental activity, "a non-pathological variation of human perception" (Wikipedia) in which one can be immersed without realizing it. It is like a quality that "enriches" the information of the senses. If the activity is disorderly, lucid dreams and OBEs end up "filtered", influenced, "contaminated" by this quality, so that regardless of whether one has an out-of-body experience in their own room, the event It may have been influenced by the imagination itself. This same activity moves to all these named experiences: to common dreams, to lucid dreams and to OBEs. It has been very easy for me to lose myself in a lucid dream due to this agitation in perception. This agitation is usually very fast and has the quality of creating environments in dreams. Because of this, I speculate that the rapidity with which the environment is created in a dream gives a simulated sensation that one dreams and goes to the dream considering that the environment is already created, going oneself to act in there and nothing plus. However, it doesn't seem to work that way. That is, I used to think that a scene in my dreams existed independently of me and that it was mounted without any supervision on my part. But, the reality, it seems, is something else: the psychological activity itself (with or without the participation of the Ego or the will) is influencing the dream and creating environments that are also modified in the course of the same dream.

After reading in '98 "Your Erroneous Zones" by Wayne Dyer (book that I recommend with fervent passion) I began to pay attention to my thoughts, almost without a previous plan. A plan emerged only after reading Jiddu Krishnamurti's talks (approximately in the years 2000-01). At the time of writing this text (February 2009), I had about 10 years of observing my own mental activity and I think that this introspective behavior has allowed me to eventually have some capacity to catch my thoughts.

Some thoughts go through the mind very quickly and they do it so fast that the conscious part of it does not catch them. Some thoughts are rather an unconscious activity than a voluntary and conscious activity. This being able to fish a majority of the thoughts allows one to realize the reason for some changes within the dreams (and, later, in an Experience-out-of-the-body): for example, in a dream I was seeing a girl that I liked and, through a specific thought, the next moment I was already in an armchair next to her. The circumstance of being funny in a dream (and the relationship with the Arcade games, told above) caused the immediately following scene to be full of video games. The same goes for nightmares or dreams in which negative emotions such as anger or fear are involved. My perspective says that according to the prevailing feeling throughout the day - or the mood just before going to sleep - it will be the theme of that night's dream. In turn, my opinion says that already immersed in the dream it also has a tendency to change (and in fact, it does at all times) according to how it is the thought, the imagination, or the feeling of the moment. Subsequent observation (1 Nov 2011): an emotion, feeling or mood, more or less regular, will make the scenario of dreams regular too; that is, a balanced state makes the environment within dreams more constant (less changing).

Usually, I had more OBEs than lucid dreams. Lucid dreams and OBEs are very related and are a personal mystery that I am trying to expressly reveal. I have always had the intuition that everything is connected with everything, in general and in particular. Maybe in the future I will verify my intuition.

In other posts I will continue to share my experiences. Regards!

* You can search on the Internet regarding the "Akashic Records", at that time I was not related to that topic and currently neither. Peace.


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