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Out-of-body experiences (OBE): coincidences with Carlos Castaneda's story

Learning to move...

This is the fourth post of the series "About my out-of-body experiences (OBEs)". All previous posts, here:

1 - About my Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs).
2 - Get out of the body.
3 - Lucid dreams.

I had many out-of-body (OBE) experiences, all of which happen when I am about to fall asleep, sleeping or when I am about to wake up. Although I have been with this for years and years, I have not yet learned to move. I have had advances that I consider random in many cases.

Brain by Elisa Riva in Pixabay

The way one manages to move in an OBE is different from the waking state because awake one can easily move an arm without greater participation of the will and in this other state the form is with something similar to "pure will." If I am in the middle of an OBE, and I want to move, I don't have to try to move my feet thinking about activating the muscles but I just have to think about the movement of the feet or also focus only the attention on wanting to get moving. Sometimes I have somehow been able to simulate the density of the soil and move and walk relatively in the same way as while awake. Other times I found myself floating and crossing the ground, which makes it very difficult to move around imitating what is done in the waking state. And here Castaneda reinforces, with two of his books, what kindly marked my intuition.

Castañeda is a character full of biographical inaccuracies, so I won't talk about him in those terms. I will refer to him through one of the first book I met, "The Teachings of Don Juan." I didn't know Castaneda (with or without ñ, it's the same) or the Toltecs, or the Yaqui culture, until a friend told me about a book; I don't know if he told me about the book because of the stories of my experiences that I told him or if it was just coincidence.

As I did not know which book to read first (Castaneda has approximately 12 books and there are others related) I started with a guide on how to read it ("To read Carlos Castaneda", in Spanish). There were some points where it was suggested to start with such a book and continue with another. I think my friend also told me to start with Don Juan's teachings as well as this guide.

Summarizing a lot, it is said that Carlos Castaneda was an anthropologist who, motivated in the realization of his thesis of Anthropology, met by chance with a connoisseur of different psychotropic plants used by the culture surrounding the Sonoran desert, in Mexico. This connoisseur (who knew many more things than just those plants) was an old sorcerer and Yaqui Indian. This sorcerer, called Don Juan Matus, in one of his visions collected a piece of information that told him to pass on his lineage to Carlos Castaneda. Thus, Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan Matus began a path described in the book The Teachings of Don Juan, the first being the student and the second the teacher.

Castaneda, under the influence of peyote, had more or less the same experiences as the ones I have when I experienced a split. And that really caught my attention. So that way I got hooked on that and another book and I incorporated some specific ideas about how one can move in that state.

I will mark a similarity of the story written by Carlos Castaneda about his experiences with the peyote (Mescalito) that relates to my own experiences before, in the middle and at the end of an OBE:
(...) By then all the noises had vanished and I found it hard to focus things. I looked for Don Juan and when I turned my head I noticed that my field of vision had been reduced to a circular area in front of my eyes (...).
Regarding the previous quotation I have some variants. At one time I am dreaming about anything and at another I only see through a circle-hole, that is, the places where I can see are delimited by a circle where in its inner part I observe blurred colors of the same hue that that environment where I am; I observe myself looking through a transparent tube and everything else outside that tube has a color similar to that of the environment (I believe that everything else outside the circle is "environment"). What I now remember is that in one of my experiences of this type the colors that appeared were light yellow, beige, some brown, shades of brown and beige, all this synthesized in a blurred circle.

I am fallen, or lying on a soft floor (my bed?); Sometimes it looks like earth. I struggle with the fact of moving my head to the sides, but the crossed and uncomfortable approach I have only remains rigid. I open and close my eyes and the vision when closing them is very similar to when they are open. I feel how my eyes blink half closed but not close. I change the vision from my left eye to my right eye but the vision is that of the right eye. I find myself very uncomfortable, sometimes I have "desperate."

Sometimes I remember the moments before that circular vision and I seem to remember people. I imagine that people talk about me, I want to stand up, I think I'm very drunk. I can't move anything, all I can do is see through a circle and feel how my eyes are narrowed; I think I remember an eye tearing too. Then it happens to me that, apparently, I'm still sleeping because the experience somehow disappears or I wake up with the sensation of having my eyes open. This last detail makes me discover that the color of the wall has influenced the color of my mink within the circle. Now, why do I look circularly, no idea.

Many times I thought that this type of experience was because I had opened my eyes at some time during a dream and suddenly my part of the normal vision resulting from the vigil was mixed with the virtual vision in my dreams. Other times, I simply do not remember waking up with my eyes open which does not mean that I have not done so. In all cases, dreams cease to be and the whole experience focuses on that difficulty and discomfort when seeing circularly; in addition to having almost always the feeling of remembering the moments before this circular vision and believing that there are people and that I am in the middle of a busy place - although I cannot see beyond the circle and, within it, I cannot perceive more what blurry colors.

My experiences of this kind are not part of an OBE, at least not of a common one. I remember dreaming before and after having this to see in a circle, I don't remember now precisely if I had this experience without having dreamed before. I do not know why this happens, I do not find much sense unless I relate it with my eyes open at the time of sleeping and dreaming. I don't know why I can't move, why I can't even move my head, why my vision doesn't fit. I know that it is not a dream and that later it would divert into something like a dream and, if it were, it is not a common dream.

I could make a hundred-page entry telling about starting to move in an OBE but it wouldn't be comfortable for anyone who could read it. That is why although this text is called Learning to move I still do not mention the times I tried to do it. This is going to be the first entry and I think there will be one or two more entries about my experiences of trying to move in the middle of an OBE.



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