Learning to move... This is the fourth post of the series "About my out-of-body experiences (OBEs)". All previous posts, here: 1 - About my Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) . 2 - Get out of the body . 3 - Lucid dreams . I had many out-of-body (OBE) experiences , all of which happen when I am about to fall asleep, sleeping or when I am about to wake up. Although I have been with this for years and years, I have not yet learned to move. I have had advances that I consider random in many cases. Brain by Elisa Riva in Pixabay The way one manages to move in an OBE is different from the waking state because awake one can easily move an arm without greater participation of the will and in this other state the form is with something similar to "pure will." If I am in the middle of an OBE, and I want to move, I don't have to try to move my feet thinking about activating the muscles but I just have to think about the movement of the feet or also focus only
Psychology and Philosophy.